Find a Grave

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Interment DateFirst NameLast NameSectionPlotLot
05/28/1946JosephZbyniewski 3Public Ground
09/14/1946CharlesZbyniewski 3Public Ground
11/16/1994FaithZeck E-53
03/26/1985MaudeZeigler H-7155
12/28/1935BarbaraZeigler B-27
04/12/1957BeverlyZeigler B-27
06/23/1978BrianZeigler B-2Baby PlotWooden Fence
11/20/1914Mrs. CharlesZeigler 6E9
05/23/1921CharlesZeigler 6E9
05/13/1972Charles J.Zeigler 3H
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